Christmas Vacation


Well I sure hope everyone is having an awesome holiday season. I want to keep this place super open and welcoming so I really do hope EVERYONE has got to celebrate their beliefs beautifully with the people they love the past few days. I've been blessed with the time and ability to spend time with my loved ones. It really a special season when you can take a couple days and just spoil the people that love you the most. It really doesn't get much better than that for me. I do love getting to spoil my loved ones (especially our little nephew) but really just love getting to catch up and connect. So I put together a little snip-it of our 2014 Christmas.

The hubs took off two weeks (a huge blessing for me) and I'm literally loving every minute of our time together. We kicked off our Christmas extravaganza with brunch with the Green family (my Dad's side) on Sunday. I always love getting to see what my Aunt and Grandmother pick out for us (they are some creative and fun present givers). Then Kev and I exchanged gifts on Sunday night (sorry Santa) and the hubs hit it out of the park with thoughtful and pretty little presents. We headed down to OKC to spend time with my family. We squeezed in some quality bowling times with our besties from college on Monday night. Tuesday we literally were lazy bummed until we went to lunch at Hideaway and baked banana nut bread and no-bake cookies for the Cook (my mom's side) family Christmas. We ate, openned presents and played with my sweet cousin's three year old son. Quite an awesome night for sure! We then woke up on Christmas Eve at my mom's house and opened a slew of awesomeness. I have to say I just love getting to see my sister's face when she opens her SUPER awesome presents. That's what this time of year really is all about! Then the hubs and I loaded up and headed to Ponca City to spend the rest of the week with his awesome fam! We got in and got to spend the night with the whole fam (parents, sister and brother and spouses and baby nephew)! The next morning we woke up together had breakfast and openned all of our presents. I'm super lucky to get to have such an awesome family! Kev's parents really do make us all feel like their kids, and that I'm super thankful for. I got to talk with my Fasha (dad) and Belle Mare (step-mom) about their day and just loved getting to hear how much they appreciated and LOVED the presents Kev and I sent them. I wish there was a better way to see them all - but hey, at least we get to share our love with them. That's what it's all about for me. Love.

So Kev and I will spend the rest of the weekend here in Ponca and then head back to KC on Sunday to then enjoy our quality time together next week. Now, what to do for New Year's. Lol


Caitlin Fore