Gift Guides 2021

It’s that time of year, and I love a good gift guide! I know it can feel overwhelming or silly to put together a Christmas list as an adult. But, it does make it easier to create one and share it out that way. I save things on Pinterest and Wish lists on my favorite websites to create my lists. I like to give a list of items I’ve been wanting but for whatever reason I haven’t pulled the trigger on, and that is what this whole blog post is full of, items I love and would want you to have too! There’s some fun ideas for your mister and babes too!

Gift Guide for Mom
gift guide for men
gift guide for boys
gift guide for girls

Christmas jammies | At the Zoo drawing Book | Drawing Board | Princess Accessories | 100 Word Book | House Shoes | Magnatiles

I hope you have a good Thanksgiving and enjoy the things I put together in this post! Let me know what’s on your list too? Share with me below!


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