Fake Famous…what does blogging look like going into 2021

Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea
Sophisticaited Blog | Fashion Blogger 2021 | Spring Outfit Idea

Have you watched (or heard of) Fake Famous? It’s a documentary on HBO about three random people becoming “famous” on Instagram. I was super intrigued to see how they would do this, and what the effect would be on the participants. As someone who’s working in this space for almost a decade, I’ve watched a lot of people rise up, fizzle out, and total change course. And I’ve personally wondered what the future of this space holds for me too. I love sharing outfits, and have so much fun putting the outfits together, and giving advice on how to style similar pieces. But, I feel this pull to share more. Since the shutdown last year, we’ve dove into a lot more home projects. And I’m itching to share those & we are going to move forward with building out our basement too! But, for now I want to share my thoughts on this documentary. And I’m so curious to know what you all think about it, and influencer culture too. Let me know below.

So, let me set the stage. The three aspiring social influencers were all super different. First there’s aspiring actress Dominique, she is cute, unassuming and quickly gets free stuff, and even a free trip with a ton of other influencers, and does book more acting gigs. Then there’s fashion designer Chris, he was my favorite. I loved his unique point of view, and how he approached everything. He quickly became disenfranchised with the whole process, and was not into their “strategy” to gain more followers. And lastly there’s the real estate assistant Wylie, he was precious and was working for a monster of a boss. He shared a lot of feelings of how life has to look perfect, and how they really messed with him. He was super sweet and I agreed with his feelings 100%.

My biggest issue with this whole “documentary” is that they just bought followers and comments for each person. And that is so lame to me. I know so many people that have never bought followers and have worked their butts off to secure their growth on IG. I also know people that have bought followers and comments too. I haven’t, as there’s literally no reason too. I want people that follow me because they want too, and enjoy it. If they don’t they can leave. I do it when I don’t resonate with someone. And I encourage you to do the same. But, back to the buying followers and comments, It’s SO obvious, even if you’re paying attention, even a little bit. You can notice how someone jumps thousands of followers over night, and then their comments are just emojis, from fake accounts. Like, why? To be fake famous? Seems super lame to me. Listen, I know it’s super hard to consistently grow a lot on IG, I’ve been chilling with the same amount for like 3 years. It’s rough.

But, like I get it. I do. You want to up your ante - and this definitely does it. But you (as an influencer) need to bring the heat and a reason for people to want to spend their time with you. And their dollars. So, what are you teaching them? Fixing for them? And what do they get out of following you?

As for me, I want people to come to me and find new inspired outfits, home decor, inspire ideas, activism, laugh at funny kid stuff (#foreschool) and now art work too. I like to keep it light, well curated, and a space on the internet that feels good.

So with all of that, I am so curious, did you watch Fake Famous? What where your thoughts on buying followers? And buying comments? Did you know influencers where doing that? Do you care that people are doing this? Do think it’s okay that they do this? Do you wish you knew what influencers did this? Let me know what you think below. I’ve been itching to talk about this and I can’t wait to hear what you think.

Moving onto the outfit section, I feel like I haven’t really done an outfit post in such a long time! And it felt so good to put together a new outfit, just because. I truly miss that part of this so much. It’s so fun!! I found these leather shorts last summer and was so excited, as I’ve had my eye on leather shorts for a while. But, wasn’t sure when I would wear them. But, when the world shut down, there was a huge part of me that was like, who cares, why not just buy them, and so I did! There are times (like pre-covid ones) where I wish I had something cool and chic that I could just throw on with a cute top and shoes and go. And these are totally it for me. I love to go for a more polished look and a bit more dressed up than down. Which do you prefer? More casual or dressy?

I know leather and faux leather pieces can feel super special and too dressy for everyday life. But, I want to push beyond those insecure thoughts and wear things that bring me joy! And I want you to do that for yourself too. If you find something that brings you joy (that you can respectively afford) then by all means get it! You deserve it and 100% don’t need to feel guilty about it. Make yourself feel good! Why not!?

Now, how are you feeling about leather shorts? Fake famous? And where do you think I am wearing this outfit?


Caitlin ForeComment