How I'm surviving not thriving through the quarantine

what to do during the corona virus / sheltering-in-place order

Well, we are on I believe day 13 of quarantine life all thanks to the horrendous coronavirus.

I pray people start to take this seriously and stay home.

It is still so surreal that we are officially “sheltering in place” in KC. The kiddos are home full time, Kev is working full time at home too. And for the most part, that part I actually don’t hate that part. I love getting to spend some much more time with Georgia (7 months old) and Bennett (3.5 years old). As I was working full time in an office when Georgia was born so I honestly didn’t get to spend this much time with her, after she turned 2 months old. (I know that will make some of y’all tear up, and it kind of stings to write it, but I love her teachers and she’s always in great hands). So, getting to spend more time with her is so fun and so sweet and so precious. Bennett is the wildest, at 3.5 years old, and keeps me super busy. And, it’s mostly fun too. Sure he’s 3.5 so we have melt downs and get really whiny, but that mostly happens when he’s hungry or doesn’t want to do something - for like no reason. LOL, Like I said, normal 3.5 year old stuff. But he’s been great with little home chores, making Georgia smile if she’s crying, playing independently, and truly he’s my dude. I love getting to spend so much time with him. And getting to see my husband Kevin through out the day is the best! We get to have lunch together, and I know it’s so nice for him to see the babes throughout the day. But, the reason for all of this is so horrible.

As for me, well, your girl is a roller coaster of emotions, as most of the world is right now. My mind is blown every day with the new findings of the coronavirus. I’m overwhelmed by the state of our economy, the fact that NY restaurants shut down on Friday really freaked me out. I watched an IG story from a woman that currently lives in Spain and she cautioned the U.S. residents to stay home, and said they aren’t aloud to leave their homes except to go to the grocery store or on a walk with dog. And that’s where we’re at now. And it’s frightening and unnerving, and I honestly do. not. understand how people are just going on about their lives, as if nothing is even going on. Hence today’s post topic - How we’re surviving not thriving through the coronavirus outbreak. Raise your hand (or glass) if you’re in the same boat?

I’ve been craving normalcy and routine. And wanted to share the things that are making this whole situation a bit more bearable.


If we are watching Frozen or another episode of Baby Bum, I will toss these babies in my ears and start listening to one of my favorite podcasts, or music. It helps drown out the noise & I can learn while I clean up the house and work. If you need a new podcast to listen to, these Air pods are my favorite. And I use this charging station from Amazon every night to charge all my stuff in one place, my phone, watch and air pods. It’s the best.

My favorite podcasts: Be There in Five, Bad on Paper, My Favorite Murder, Rise, Absolutely Not , The Daily, Strategy Hour, UnStyled, Unlocking Us



I’ve had a tough time sticking to my morning routine, but I these things help me feel better each day. I usually wake up with the kids, and make the beds, get coffee and breakfast for everyone. Then I read my devotional, journal for 10 minutes or so, then read at least a chapter in Becoming. I’ve had this book since last Christmas and it’s so good. This mama needs to make more time to read! Anybody else?



I love burning candles, who doesn’t right!?. It’s a ritualistic moment for me that has helped center me and help bring me back to center since I had Bennett. When you have a little baby and your whole world is upside down, lighting a candle that you can light and enjoy the scent of, is the best. I’m a big fan of the Capri Blue Candles, and anything Japanese Quince too. When I lived in LA, the house smelled of Japanese Quince everywhere and even got into my clothes and they smelled like this scent for months after. And I just love it so much, that have the a Japanese Quince diffuser in Georgia’s room.



Now I know I that candles aren’t for everyone. And we diffuse oils downstairs pretty much everyday. As with the wild toddler - keeping him away from an open flame is always a good idea. I use this diffuser that I got on Amazon and I diffuse this Capri Blue oil a lot, but lately I’ve been diffusing Lavender (to calm), Peppermint (to energize), Lime (for citrus), Sweet Orange (for more citrus just like the Capri scent).



I’ve been doing my makeup basically everyday, because it makes me feel like myself. Ya, know like normal days. This is everything I use, and in the order that I use it.



The hottest stuff on the market besides toilet paper. So, if you are on the hunt for hand soap, and keeping your hands from drying out, these are my favs.



If you haven’t developed some sort of OCD after being home, power to you. But, this girl has and these are just a few of the things helping me keep this place looking good.



This should have basically been my number one thing to help coping with quarantine life. It’s dramatic and unhealthy. But, truly life is the most unstable it’s EVER been. So, if you need a wine recommendation, these I love. So cheers! Stay strong.



Now that we are all on the same page and are coping with the severity of this whole thing. I think we should be drinking our dranks of choice from pretty little chalices. If you have a tough time drinking all the water, you need this time marker water bottle. I thought my yeti + straw combo was good. But, it was too big for my weirdly short fingery hands to hold, and I felt like I was refilling it all the time. And since this thing has a smaller circumference - it’s much easier to hold. Plus, it’s super tall and holds lots of water. So, it’s super easy to chug away. And if you drink coffee and find yourself constantly re-heating it. This Yeti coffee mug + closing lid (because kids) is my go-to, everyday.



If you don’t understand the Schitt’s Creek reference above, SMH. And go watch it immediately. Honestly, it’s the dryiest, most sarcastic inspired show you’ll ever watch. And you’ll be so thankful I told you / annoyed you haven’t watched it sooner. So, anyways I like to mix my social distancing drinking with a bit of binge (shame) eating to just try and ignore allllllllll of these feelings.



Again, if you aren’t vacuuming your house a million times a day - because you’re alllllways there and you have allll the time to do it now. No excuses. Okay well except if you have all the kids like we do. Then get yourself this Roomba. I honestly thought we didn’t need it / thought it was way too extravagant. But, there’s nothing better than it vacuuming up each room while I cook, or clean, or just hang out and play with the babes.



I’m guessing you’ve watched The Art of Tidying Up on Netflix and follow at least a handful of Home Organizers like The Home Edit on social, and are itching to organize all the the cabinets and closets, right!? Well, I know it’s not super excited, unless you have a new found OCD, like I do, these are the things I use to keep us mildly organized. Like, all the kids toys and medicines.



These are my current wish list of books, that if I didn’t have kids, or the C4 Styling business (which you can now buy the Wardrobe Checklist - to help you clean out your closet and know what you should keep). These would 100% be all the books I’d be reading right now. What’s on your reading list?



Bennett is 3.5 years old, he has such a fun personality and loves to figure things out. He loves a good puzzle, like he races me to see who can put it together faster than the other. (Yes, he usually wins). He loves magnatiles, and loves to build all the towers, airport garages, car ports, and houses. Oh and the kinetic sand is a total game changer! He wakes up and wants to play with it. He skips watching a show to play with it. And can’t wait to finish dinner to play with it. BUY this kinetic sand now. You’ll thank me later.



Georgia is only 7 months old, so the girl doesn’t need a lot. And these toys and this jumper are exactly what she is drawn too. Well, that and whatever toy Bennett is playing with. She is the youngest after all.



Comfort is key, during this time. There is enough going on to put on clothes that are anything buy comfortable. I hear you. Although I am one that honestly feels more “me” when I wear jeans. So, just wearing sweats is so not “me”. I think it is imperative that we wear things that we feel good in, no matter what that is. I rave about these pants from Athleta to everyone that will listen. They are made from recycled plastic bottles, look hella chic, and one of my friends that an attorney even wears them with a blazer when she meets with clients. So, there you go! They’re awesome, and currently 25% off (the most they ever do).



I put this post together because I have felt so much better after shopping online, and actually pulling the trigger on a few things. It might sounds dumb, but I found a few gift cards from my birthday and Christmas. And since we’ve had to slow our spending down it’s totally put me in a funk. It’s been tough and I hate it. I know how much every dollar means to everyone right now, and our family included. But, I wanted to share this because I honestly feel so much better , even after just buying a few things for spring. I am feeling so much better (even Kevin has mentioned how much happier I am). And I think it’s because the orders bring me hope. They give me something to look forward to in the coming days. The new things honestly make me feel like everything will go back to normal-ish. As I’m actually looking forward to the days when I’ll get to wear these items out of the house, and maybe to a dinner ya know at a restaurant. I know we will again.

The things that caught my attention: are tie dye tees, straight light wash denim, white mules, sleek sneakers, updated floral dresses, tiered dresses, bright bracelets, and puffy sleeve tops.

Cute mindless things, right!? I hope it helps take your mind off the harder things.

And if you need more help, I reached out to my friends at New Strong KC. They are a team of amazing female therapists that are trained by the renowned Brené Brown. (Side note: If you haven’t watched her documentary ‘Brené Brown: A Call to Courage’ on Netflix, I highly recommend it. And a warning, it will make you laugh and cry, but in the good ways. So, if you need to embrace your emotions and feel, go watch this). I talked to Brooke last Sunday morning, and it was so helpful. I have had anxiety since high school, and I wanted to talk to someone that would be able to understand me and give me the tools to help me and my family work through these harder times. And they did. And I am so thankful. I highly recommend reaching out to them, it helped me a lot. Also - this weighted blanket helps me feel like I’m in a big hug the best, and this Barefoot Dreams blanket, that a has a lot of hype, has been the best, it’s so soft and melts into you.

We 100% will be forever changed by this. I know how hard everything is right now and everyone is hurting and scared of what the future holds. But, for everyone reading this that is unsure of what to - go do at least one thing today that helps someone else (outside of your home/family) and for yourself. Trust me, you need it, and so do they. I also think it is critical to take time to reflect, slow down, and really take into account what’s most important right now. So, take advantage of the slower pace, and take a minute for yourself and do what you need to to feel better.

