Get to know ME

Hey there!

Today I have put together a little get to know me video. I feel like these online universes and posts can sometimes call a little flat and I want y'all to really know who I am and what I'm about. I pulled together 5 fun facts to know about me and a little mini tour of my office in today's video. (The colors of my office were painted this way before my husband and I moved in, swear). I love getting to know you guys through your sweet comments and notes that I thought I should share more about me. I'm excited to finally have some fun videos and tutorials over on YouTube and have some super fun tutorials planed - so stay tuned! PS if there's something you want me show you (hair tutorials are totally in the works) leave me a note and tell me what you would love to see! Check me out below and if you've got some tips and tricks to video let me know those too! 

I hope your Wednesday is super awesome and you can totally rock out this week strong!

Thanks for giving it a little watch and subscribe to my channel for the next video! 


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